

We Will Help You Achieve Inner Peace.

Located in central Mysore, we offer a clean, private space in which to practice Yoga.


The knowledge and practice of Pranayama, the life force taken as breath, is essential to any yoga experience. Kanchen has trained with several renowned teachers over the past 20 years and has gained considerable knowledge and also teaching experience through course work and practical exercises. This is a comprehensive program designed for students from entry to advance level. The benefit of this experience is applicable throughout your life as practice can be continued at all ages, for a full and healthy life.

Duration and Time:  Course duration is three weeks excluding Sundays. One hour per day for a total of 18 hours of tuition. Class times can vary depending on the progress of an existing class or other factors. Your actual schedule will be clarified during the registration process.What to Bring:
  • Pen and notebook.
  • Necessary personal effects can be safely stored at the shala during classes.
  • We have a changing room, toilet and a solar hot water shower.
  • Please read Rules of Krishnamacharr Yoga Foundation.


Certification:  After completion of the three week course, Certificate of Participation issued by Mysore Krishnamacharr Yoga Foundation.


ASANA LED CLASS 6.30am to 7.30am
PRANAYAMA 10.30am to 11.30am
AYURVEDA 11.45am to 12.45pm
LUNCH BREAK 12.45pm to 1.45 Pm
YOGA NIDRA 2.00pm to 3.00pm
PHILOSOPHY 3.15pm to 4.30pm
TEA BREAK 4.30pm to 4.45pm
Students who are interested in TTC should fill the TTC registration form also brief about your yoga knowledge.
Basic knowledge of Ashtanga Vinyasa Asana practice  is must.
Additional Services: - We are happy to help you find accommodation (including wifi) in the general vicinity of Shala.
Fee including  your accommodation
Kindly confirm your registration prior 7 days.
once your registration is confirmed fee structure and payment details will be sent to your mail address.

Ashtanga Vinyasa Asana Led-Class

It is opportunity to be able to study with proffesional teachers . In this class you will be able to tap into knowledge of yoga asanas, philosophy behind Asanas The morning class concentrates on the Primary Series of Ashtanga Vinyasa Asana . Each class begins with a prayer and is followed by Surya Namaskar A and B, standing asana, sitting asana and finishing asana. Some previous knowledge of the sequence is important.

Duration and Time:  This four weeks course runs daily excluding Sundays. Every day practice starts from 6:45 am to 8:00 am. What to Bring:
  • Yoga mat.
  • Wear appropriate yoga clothing.
  • Notebook and pencil.
  • Necessary personal effects can be safely stored at the shala during classes.
  • The shala provides a changing room, toilet and a solar hot water shower (please bring your own towel).
  • Please read "Rules of  Mysore Krishnamacharr Yoga Foundation".

Philosophy ( Only for TTC Students )

Traditional Sanskrit scholar brings you the Yoga Sutras direct from their original format. The teacher  gives life to these ancient texts with  simple examples that can defy time and place. The teacher  will cover the origin og Yoga, eight limbs of Yoga and other aspects of " Yoga Philosophy " drawn from her  immense knowledge of the great Yoga masterpieces. The teacher will put into context the importance of the Vedas and Upanishads and always encourages the  students to continue to study the classic texts of Yoga.

Duration and Time:  Course duration is four weeks excluding Sundays. One hour per day for a total of 24 hours of tuition. Class times can vary depending on the progress of an existing class or other factors. Your actual schedule will be clarified during the registration process.What to Bring:
  •  pen and notebook.
  •  Necessary personal effects can be safely stored at the shala during classes.
  •  We have a change room, toilet and a solar hot water shower.
  •  Please read" Rules of Mysore Krishnamachar Yoga Foundation"


Certification:  After completion of the four weeks course, Certificate of Participation issued by Mysore Krishamucharr Yoga Foundation.


HATA YOGA 7.00am to 8.15 am
HATA YOGA 5.00 pm TO 6.15 pm

ASHTANGA LED CLASS 5.00 pm TO 6.30 pm
contact +91 9986390093 for more details


Ayurveda is one of the world’s oldest holistic (whole body) healing systems. It is based on the belief that health and wellness depend on a delicate balance between the mind, body and spirit.

Ayurveda is a Sanskrit term made up of the words “ayu” and “veda”. “Ayu” means life and “veda” means knowledge or science. The term “Ayurveda” thus means  “the knowledge of life” or “the science of life”.

This course is exclusively for TTC students.

This course is exclusively for TTC students only.

Asana Adjustment Classes

Ashtanga Vinyasa is a disciplined sequence of asana synchronise with breath, count, sight (gaze) and posture Bandhas or Mudras are also a crucial aspect. It is best practiced in a quiet, warm, clean, well- ventilated room. It is important that the body stays hot during the practice in order to advance safely. Ashtanga should not be practiced outdoors as the body cools down through evaporation. Postures should be held for five breaths in beginners practice and up to 15 breaths for more advanced students. Students are supervised by our experienced teacher and may adjust the postures by explaining the techniques on  how to perform the asana posture perfectly. Flexibility of the body differs for every individual. The teacher will handle them in a easy and safer way. Once the postures are perfected, students will be more disciplined in their daily practice as purpose, motivitation, encouragement and achievement will be enhanced.

Hatha Yoga

Yoga practitioners of different age groups from all over the world come together to practice Hatha Yoga here at the school.

Hatha Yoga is a series of asana designed to align your body. The postures are designed to open the many channel in of the body –especially the main channel the spine so that energy can flow freely.

Hatha is also translated as " ha" meaning “sun” and " tha" meaning “moon”. These two fundamentals ha and tha are prana and apana. These can give control over the mind which is Raja Yoga. It also refers to the balance of the masculine aspects- active, hot, sun and female aspects – receptive, cool, moon within all of us.

Hatha Yoga is a path towards creating balance and uniting opposites. In our physical bodies we develop balance of strength and flexibility. We also learn to balance our effort and surrender in each pose.

Hatha Yoga is a powerful tool for self-transformation or self-realization. It is a complete and integral system of spiritual development for body, mind and spirit. In bringing attention to our breath it helps to still the fluctuations of the mind and be more present.

Office Visiting Hours ( Mon - Fri )

Morning: 06:30 AM – 9:00 AM and 10:15 AM – 12 NOON

Evening: 04.30 PM – 06.30 PM

Get In Touch

+91 9986390093

Postal Address

#490, Devamba Agrahara,
K.R. Mohalla,
Mysore – 570024